Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane oozes oil, boxes of Message Booklets are given blessing from Our Lady

Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane weeps

On Sunday 20th February, 2005 we were out in the grotto praying. When coming back through the shrine we noticed perfumed oil on the floor in the shrine and drops leading to the front door of the house. We went back to the shrine and I noticed that the little statue of Jesus in The Garden of Gethsemane was oozing the perfumed oil. At the same time the large Cross started to flow with the oil from the head and the wounds on the side. This phenomena has occurred on several other occasions. To this day the little statue is still moist. These events happened when the statue of The Weeping Madonna was in seclusion away from the shrine.

Message Booklet is printed and Our Lady gives Her Blessing

A gentleman named Kieran, came to visit the Shrine a couple of weeks ago and asked if there is anything he could do to help. It turned out he owned a printing business, Impressions West in Northam. I asked whether he could print the message booklet. He arrived on Friday 4th March at 9pm with just over 1000 booklets in four boxes. We were just going to pray our night prayers in the grotto and asked him to join us. I asked that the boxes be carried out and placed near the icon. Three boxes were sealed and the fourth was open. We knelt and prayed the Chaplet of The Compassionate Tears of Christ and The Peace Rosary. During the prayers Our Lady appeared. Our Lady asked for the gentleman's beads and She kissed the cross on each pair of beads and thanked him. When we finished the prayers we turned on the light and each box had two or three drops of the perfumed oil on it. The box that was open had perfumed oil on the two top message booklets. Our Lady has asked that these messages go to the world and we need to get the messages to as many people as possible.
