Icon of St. Righteous Anna weeps tears of myrrh, Philadelphia, PA

March 12, 2004 - In the Russian Orthodox Church of Our Lady the Joy of All Who Sorrow (ROCOR), located in Philadelphia, PA an icon of St. Righteous Anna was found to have been weeping myrrh since November, 2004. Since the discovery of myrrh coming from the icon, many miracles occurred in the lives of the faithful who venerated the icon and was anointed by its myrrh.

The Russian Orthodox Church of Our Lady the Joy of All Who Sorrow states the following: That His Eminence visited our Church's Miraculous icon and it declared authentic. His Eminence Metropolitan Laurus, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia graciously visited our parish to celebrate our feast day with us as we inaugurate our 55th year as a parish family and the 30th year of ordination for our Rector. To our great joy, His Eminence served the All-Night Vigil on Friday evening, November 5, as well as the Liturgy on the following day. Not only was the icon of the parish's feast day honored but the miraculous medieval Kursk Root icon of the Mother of God was in the church for the veneration of the faithful.The Father Rector received a gramota for his service to the church. The phenomenon of the oil drops on the icon of St. Righteous Anna has been approved for veneration.

Holy Cross Antiochian Orthodox Church in Linthicum Heights, MD website mentions that their own Fr. Joachim suffered terrible pain from two ruptured disks in his spine. Even after several different medical interventions, the pain intensified to the point where Fr. Joachim became totally incapacitated. However, earlier this month, he traveled to venerate this icon. After praying before the icon and being anointed with its myrrh, Fr. Joachim was able to walk again and even served Divine Liturgy the very next day.

Learn more about theses events at Church of Our Lady the Joy of All Who Sorrow website.

The Russian Orthodox Church of Our Lady the Joy of All Who Sorrow 560 North 20th Street Philadelphia, PA. 19130


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